HIGH PERFORMANCE TEAM: 6 Levels of Aspiration

HIGH PERFORMANCE TEAM: 6 Levels of Aspiration

Source from Mr Tran Bang Viet that A high-performance work team is a group of individuals who have the ability to work together in harmony, each clearly understanding the common goal and how to achieve it.
When everyone works together, tasks are completed not only faster but also with higher quality. Similar to playing a team sport, smooth coordination can help the team win.


A high-performance team can be recognized by:
– A focus on a common goal: Everyone in the team understands the goal and works hard to achieve it.
Good communication skills: Team members easily share ideas and listen to each other.
– Mutual respect and support: Each person respects and supports one another, helping the team overcome difficulties.
– Conflict resolution abilities: The team knows how to resolve conflicts healthily, without letting them affect the work.


We all know that building a high-performance team is not an easy task. The following diagram describes the levels of a high-performance work team.
Level 1: Clear Purpose
Firstly, an effective team must have a clear purpose: each member understands the common goal and is aligned in the same direction.
Level 2: Sufficient Trust
Trust is an important factor in building a strong team: members need to trust each other and believe in their teammates’ abilities.
Level 3: Daring to Rely on Each Other
When trust is sufficient, we can rely on others to the extent that we dare to expose our backs (our weaknesses) for them to cover. This allows us to comfortably focus on our responsibilities without worrying about the motives or abilities of others. This not only helps us achieve high individual work performance but also happiness in our work.
Level 4: Always Clear
Clarity in communication and task delegation is important: everyone understands their duties and how the team operates. Some keywords may gradually carry special implied meanings that those outside the group or organization may not fully understand.
Level 5: Skilled at Conflict
Conflict is inevitable in the workplace: it is necessary to know how to resolve conflicts constructively and effectively. Sometimes it is even necessary to allow certain essential conflicts to arise and be resolved to establish new standards and foundations. When this is achieved, the organization enters a phase of high performance.
Level 6: Creating Results
Results are what everyone aims for. An effective team will achieve great accomplishments and make a positive impact. Only when results are achieved can the organization hope to make a positive impact on the external environment.
The team performance pyramid is the image of a journey full of challenges but also full of rewards. Each higher level not only requires individuals to try harder but also to know how to cooperate and support each other to create a strong and lasting impact.

Building Steps

To build a high-performance work team, you can follow these steps:
a. Define clear goals: Everyone in the team needs to know what they are aiming for.
b. Share information transparently: All important information is openly shared so everyone understands and cooperates better.
c. Facilitate interaction: Organize meetings and team activities so people understand each other better.
d. Encourage diversity and acceptance of differences: All opinions and perspectives are listened to and respected.
e. Train and develop skills: Organize courses to enhance team working skills and individual skills for members.
Building a high-performance team is not an overnight job. It is a continuous process that requires patience and relentless effort from everyone in the team.


Let’s build a strong team together to reach new heights. Remember, each step up is a step closer to a significant and sustainable impact. And as we move forward together, each achievement is not just an individual victory but a victory for all.

#DrNeo #Teamwork #HighPerformance #Leadership #Phattrienbanthan #TácĐộng

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